What We Can Control
Do you ever get frustrated or anxious over things you can't control? One of the reasons why these situations stimulate these responses is because they often leave us feeling helpless and hopeless.
It's true -- There are some things in life that we will never be able to control. However, one way to cope with this fact is by shifting our focus onto what we can control:
You determine your boundaries. You alone get to decide your comfort and commitment level.
You also decide when and if you're ready to forgive someone. While forgiveness is more for you than for the person you're forgiving, choosing to forgive someone can be difficult. Therefore, you get to decide your pace.
You get to determine what gets your time, energy, and attention. What is most important to you? What is demanding your attention the most right now? Keep in mind that your energy and time investments will change in different seasons of life, so make sure you know what your priorities are right now.
You decide who you build relationships with and how you treat them. How you speak to and respond to others is under your control. You may not always be able to control what happens to you, but you can always control how you respond.
When you feel overwhelmed by the situations you can't control, focus on what you can control!