If You're Single this Valentine's Day...
Let's be honest: This time of year can be difficult if you don't have a romantic partner. Stores are filled with chocolates, roses, and teddy bears. Restaurants are advertising specials for romantic dinners for two. And if you're single during this time, finding a way to celebrate Valentine's Day can be difficult.
However, despite our difficulty, this time can also be an opportunity to celebrate all kinds of love. The ancient Greeks recognized seven different types of love:
Eros: Romantic, passionate love
Philia: Intimate, authentic friendship
Erotoropia: Playful, flirtatious love
Storge: Unconditional, familial love
Philautia: Compassionate self-love
Pragma: Committed, companionate love
Agápe: Empathetic, universal love (the love of God)
Even if you don't have "eros" love right now, chances are, you have other forms of love on this list! Our challenge to you is to use this Valentine's Day season to focus on what you do have instead of what you don't.
Celebrate family. Celebrate friends. Celebrate children. Celebrate pets. Most importantly, celebrate yourself and the essence of love.
Stay hopeful, grateful, and loving.