How to Establish a Self-Care Routine TODAY
Did you know that self-care can help manage stress, strengthen the immune system, bolster productivity, and enhance energy?
You may think, "That sounds amazing, but I don't have enough time to engage in a long self-care routine!" Whether you have 15 minutes or several hours, you can engage in self-care activities and adapt some of your current routines to support yourself daily.
Even a small amount of self-care each day can produce powerful results! Here are a few tips to get you started:
Sleep 7-9 hours each night.
Studies show that the average adult requires 7-9 hours of sleep each night to function properly. Adjust your sleep schedule for a week to allow for adequate sleep, and we guarantee you'll feel a difference!
Eat nutritious meals.
Part of self-care is actively choosing foods that will nourish your body. Try eating three balanced, healthy meals each day to fuel you.
Stay hydrated (with water).
Thank the Lord for coffee and tea! However, water should be your number one intake for staying hydrated. If you drink multiple coffees, energy/sports drinks, or teas daily, swap a few out for water. You can even add flavor to your water to make it more enjoyable!
Engage in exercise daily.
Whether it's a walk around the neighborhood or a workout at the gym, move your body daily! Find a form of exercise that you enjoy, and consider inviting friends to join you for added fun!
Do something you love for 15 minutes daily.
What activities refresh you? Do you enjoy walking on the beach, reading a book, or painting? How about baking, writing, or taking a hot bubble bath? Whatever it is you love to do, do more of it! Start with scheduling 15 minutes every day to do something that rejuvenates you. You'll notice a supernatural difference in yourself as you establish this self-care routine!
Give these tips a try, and let us know what your self-care routine looks like!